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math proof for Floyd’s loop detection algorithm finding first circle node

The famous Floyd’s loop detection algorithm use a faster pointer and slower pointer to detect the circle. Once the two pointers meet, a circle is detected. We then follow the following 3 steps to find the first node in the linked list:

1. If a loop is found, initialize slow pointer to head, let fast pointer be at its position.
2. Move both slow and fast pointers one node at a time.
3. The point at which they meet is the start of the loop.

Given n is the length of the circle.
m is the distance from head to the first node of the circle.
k is the distance from the first node of the circle to the point where slow and fast pointer first meet.

(m + n*x + k) = 2*(m + n*y + k)

Note that before meeting the point shown above, fast
was moving at twice speed.

x -->  Number of complete cyclic rounds made by
       fast pointer before they meet first time

y -->  Number of complete cyclic rounds made by
       slow pointer before they meet first time

From above equation, we can conclude below

    m + k = (x-2y)*n

Which means m+k is a multiple of n.
So if we start moving both pointers again at same speed such that one pointer (say slow) begins from head node of linked list and other pointer (say fast) begins from meeting point. When slow pointer reaches beginning of loop (has made m steps), fast pointer would have made also moved m steps as they are now moving same pace. Since m+k is a multiple of n and fast starts from k, they would meet at the beginning. Can they meet before also? No because slow pointer enters the cycle first time after m steps.